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DriveCentric wins 2021 Sales Award

Steve Roessler
February 24th, 2021

Learn about the 2021 AWA sales process awards for dealership software.

For over a decade, the Automotive Website Awards (AWA) reviews have been a benchmark in the auto industry for innovative technology solutions. Through an extensive examination and research process, Brian Pasch and the team recognize innovative products in digital retailing, marketing automation, sales process, dealer websites, online merchandising, fixed operations, social media, and more.

This year, the AWAs were presented virtually to over 1,000 registered dealers, vendors and OEM representatives on February 23, 2021. DriveCentric was thrilled to be named a winner of the 2021 AWA Award in the sales process category. This is the third win for the company in the category of Sales Process.

DriveCentric makes it simple for dealers to drive higher customer engagement, shorten sales cycles and accelerate growth. DriveCentric prioritizes communication tools for effective engagement across all channels, which is more important than ever as dealerships navigate changing consumer demand and remote sales processes.

From personalized videos, live video streaming, texts, emails and calls, DriveCentric’s CRM brings every conversation into one unified platform. So, whether your sales team uses a mobile, desktop, or both, they can have a seamless conversation that customers have come to expect when buying anything retail.

According to industry thought leader and strategy coach Brian Pasch, “DriveCentric has closed the gap to give dealers exactly what they want including video messaging, collaboration with consumers, dealership managers and sales associates.”

To see the live CRM product review, visit the AWA website.

A huge thank you to Brian Pasch, Glenn Pasch and the entire team for their outstanding contribution to the automotive community and for maintaining the traditional awards ceremony virtually. We also thank our customers for their continued partnership and support.

For more information on DriveCentric, please visit our Website, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, where we bring to life additional information about the company and its business results.

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