Article 2 min

How to Turn a Living Room Into a Showroom Experience

Steve Roessler
January 28th, 2021

Put yourself in the customer’s shoes. You’re looking to buy a new car: check, got it. Now imagine we’re in the middle of winter and that a pandemic (not so hard to imagine, unfortunately). You have two options: (1) Travel to the nearest dealership where you can get personal assistance from a salesperson to take a look at vehicles you may be interested in, or (2) visit one of the countless dealership and third-party sites online and browse.

Sure, option one gives you the advantage of a knowledgeable person guiding you through the process, but with social distancing, you might still be uncomfortable spending that much time inside a store. Or the dealership may still have restricted hours of operation that won’t accommodate your schedule.

With option two, you can browse from the comfort of your living room, but the experience will be a far cry from a curated visit.

The Best of Both Worlds

Live Rooms from DriveCentric helps dealerships and salespeople recreate the traditional vehicle buying experience for customers in any location with online access. Plus, there are no accounts to create, no passwords to enter and the entire experience is seamless and the activity is captured inside the CRM.

Here’s how it works in 3 simple steps:

  1. Select Your Customer – start the process by selecting the customer you want to engage with from inside the CRM.
  2. Send the Invite – simply send the invitation with a link to join a Live Room and start the meeting. It’s that easy! Absolutely nothing is required of them except tapping the link to get started.
  3. Engage Your Customer – Now that you’re connected, the customer can see any vehicle they wish on the showroom floor. You can walk the vehicle, pointing out details and features just as you would in a traditional car-buying experience. You can even begin the F&I process remotely. Be informed and prepared to answer their questions so they can make a quicker and better-informed decision, including how you can accommodate an off-site test drive.

The Drive platform makes personal conversations seamless and efficient, no matter the channel of communication. But what happens if you missed something or the customer forgot to ask a question? With DriveCentric, every conversation, every detail, and every engagement is tracked and organized so that it’s easy to find inside the system. So, you’ll always be able to find it neatly organized with their other communications.

Schedule a Demo

Live Rooms is more than just a video conferencing feature. It’s a way to engage customers in a familiar, convenient way that fits their schedule and preference. Schedule a demo to find out how it can transform your sales process.

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